Friday, October 15, 2010

The Thing Called L.O.V.E

How would you love someone? Do you shower endless affection or show utmost degradation taking things for granted? Can everyone understand that you love them deeply when you express it in your own way?

Definitely, No.

That's the problem that lies with most people. Many are unsure about 'How To Love?' and men & women expect love to be in a way as shown in fiction or film. Isn't it difficult to woo someone in such a dreamy way? But, most of us don't have a choice as it is required.

You can't just love any other way if you want to impress the one you adore the most.

Be adaptive, reciprocate and show what you feel in a way they understand.

Love is like Language…

Unless you speak in their native tongue, you can never touch the in depths of their heart and touch the special spot which will swoon them towards you forever.

Wouldn't you just learn a language if the girl or boy is Italian? (just an example, and assuming you are not an Italian by birth)

It's the same case scenario. If she loves to hear all sweet talks (actually most girls do), then speak. If he loves to talk astronomy (it is boring but girls, you have to accommodate), then let him talk.

ACT a bit! Acting is good on stage and in love! Something like a contemporary version of what Shaky told!

Everyone has an actor in them, and you have yours! Try impressing someone and you will soon find out yourself...

1 comment:

  1. love is strange... I still dont know what is love and life! But I know what my heart loves! Things changed and will always but, the inner thought always circles around the thing that your REALLY like. You might have shun it away from your eyes but, it lingers like a never ending song deep inside you. Whatever I do, I am unable to come out of a few basic blunders I did earlier. Longing for what I have shun.
    I wanted to be practical but failed in the basic theory of understanding my heart and the one loved me....
    Thanks for giving me a chance of posting my thoughts in yours....
