Friday, October 15, 2010

The Thing Called L.O.V.E

How would you love someone? Do you shower endless affection or show utmost degradation taking things for granted? Can everyone understand that you love them deeply when you express it in your own way?

Definitely, No.

That's the problem that lies with most people. Many are unsure about 'How To Love?' and men & women expect love to be in a way as shown in fiction or film. Isn't it difficult to woo someone in such a dreamy way? But, most of us don't have a choice as it is required.

You can't just love any other way if you want to impress the one you adore the most.

Be adaptive, reciprocate and show what you feel in a way they understand.

Love is like Language…

Unless you speak in their native tongue, you can never touch the in depths of their heart and touch the special spot which will swoon them towards you forever.

Wouldn't you just learn a language if the girl or boy is Italian? (just an example, and assuming you are not an Italian by birth)

It's the same case scenario. If she loves to hear all sweet talks (actually most girls do), then speak. If he loves to talk astronomy (it is boring but girls, you have to accommodate), then let him talk.

ACT a bit! Acting is good on stage and in love! Something like a contemporary version of what Shaky told!

Everyone has an actor in them, and you have yours! Try impressing someone and you will soon find out yourself...

The Highs & Lows Of Being Erudite

If you can think, you can survive. If you can think out-of-the-box you can achieve better heights. If you can think, analyze and react, you will not just lessen your chances of survival in this corruption ridden society but face dire criticism that will blow you off your mind & track.

Such is the evident hardship of being erudite! While it looks like the world is ready to accept knowledge, for eons the society had never ever welcomed thoughts and forward ideas. It had always tried to crush whatever that is ‘new’ to society terming it as unsuitable for survival. 

What you need to break free of the chains is not just pompous knowledge but undaunted guts, audacious approach to face the challenges, thrash the obstacles and only then your ideas will see the light of the day.

The guts to keep fighting matters a lot than the ability to think ahead, think different!

But, often we end up in the mud then tasting the coarse sand rather than the sweetness of success. That’s how the society is! That’s how the world is! Cruel, uncaring, problematic, puking but you can stand apart if you can get back at what got you!

Don’t think that all white is going to help you. If you wish to change the black, you need to smear yourself with black, enter the community. Only then you will gain access and a chance to change their colors or at the least leave your mark within their area which would grow someday or the other.

Be an erudite, think scholarly but before your gain accolades never hesitate to embrace the devil a bit!

Sounds pessimistic and no one is guiding you to enter the underworld but just use its pros! The world of devil has its pros and it’s not just cons as proclaimed. Use devilry to establish your godly or what we call…the erudite ideas which will often go against widely believed notions.

Never ever give up and if you need water to survive, get it by any means. No need to be pure all the time! But, never give up on your hope and dream! Keep moving forward until you see the…


Friday, October 1, 2010

The Train

The train moved competing with the speed of the wind breaking through the darkness of the night. Everything outside the train looked so blurry and no one would dare even peak their head out as it was a heavy rain, too risky to open the doors.

“Tickets, please,” the TTR was checking the passengers at S7 coach and many of them had already retired to their bed as the clock crossed 10:30 PM already.

He tapped a young man, “Is someone accompanying you at 52?”

The drowsy looking guy stared short and nodded his head negative. ‘Where would he be? Has he missed the train?’ the TTR wondered. He re-checked the sheet and using his pen made a mark right beside the name ‘Vivek’.

‘Could allot the seat to someone else as Vivek seems to have missed his train,’ concluded the TTR.

But, little did he know…

Drenched in rain, Vivek was staggering to make his way atop the roof of the train as it whooshed past the strong winds, drenching rain and everything else in the atmosphere. He had no grip on the top except for the occasional metal container like spheres that provided feeble support. Undaunted by the perilous situation he is in, he treaded to move forward.

‘This should be the first class air conditioned coach. I’m sure this time he has no escape,’ he thought to himself and tried to wipe of the blinding rain drops.

In such high speed, it was impossible for any human being to get atop the roof of a moving train, leave aside climbing down into a particular compartment which sealed entry except for the doors. But, with the help of a small rope wound to the iron rod on the top and lots of undeterred bravery, Vivek lowered himself to the closed doors. He fished out the edge of the window railings and caught one, waiting for someone to open the door.

Praise his luck, an unsuspecting guard opened it to throw out his garbage and before he could react, Vivek simply clutched his shirt to throw him out of the passenger car. In a flash, he was inside the highly protected compartment. Calculating the guard patrols, he finally managed to sneak near the deputy officer’s private cabin and knocked the door. Like a fool, Mr. Malhotra opened the door, “Who’s there?”

Vivek immediately clutched him under his vice grip and pointed the gun to his head.

“Save me, someone,” shouted Malhotra alerting the guards outside and in came a senior security officer, much to the surprise of Vivek.

The two of them stood shocked for awhile but Rehman regained composure first and said, “Vivek, whatever happened we will enquire it later. Leave him and you will be unharmed. Don’t make me do this,” pointing his gun towards Vivek.

“I wouldn’t give up after I have come this far and not even for a close friend like you Rehman,” Vivek thought and shot right into Malhotra’s head. Simultaneously, Rehman triggered his bullet and two heaps of dead body fell on the floor of the train compartment.

“Damn you Vivek. This is not how it should have ended,” Rehman thought cursing their fate.

The camera fades back to … 10 years earlier…

‘Do you like the climax of the story, sir?’ Bala eagerly asked the popular hero who was mulling over the subject.

‘Ya, I do. It starts well and I hope it goes well too especially after revealing the climax to grip the audience,’ he replied.

‘It will sir,’ Bala said with confidence oozing out of his voice. ‘And, with this hero’s image I’m sure they would want all ‘commercial’ elements within. Hope the essence of my story survives and I succeed as a director,’ Bala made a silent prayer within his heart.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Never Ending Story - A Series Of Collective Tales


The rain poured incessantly throughout the night, drenching the road giving a tough time for the people ever since morning. A tall, dark figure loomed over the road with a black over coat and knocked the door of the mansion. An old lady with wrinkled skin and shallow eyes opened the door. She was surprised to see him at the door past midnight but let him in. He walked inside and went straightway to the bedroom.

The room was lit with a dim bulb covered with wall hangings and portraits of unicorns. She loved unicorns. Their frail hair, milk-white skin and the contradictory horn on their bulbous head, she loved every bit of the creature. The stranger made his way to the bed and leaned over her body. She looked like an angel with the moonlight accentuating her feminine form. Her breathing was slow and each time she breathed in, her fully blossomed breasts heaved up and down in unison which was a sight to behold. 

The man bent lower planting a soft kiss on her forehead and scooped her into his arms. The movement disturbed her sleep and before he could rest her back, she woke up. With dreamy eyes, she fluttered them open to look at him and smiled.

“Oh, I wasn’t expecting you love.”

“Same here,” smiled the man and continued, ‘I love you.’

She drifted off into a peaceful slumber and the man walked out of the room after a short break. The house maid walked up the stairs after awhile to help her mistress. Moments later, her loud shriek echoed outside which was suppressed in the loud thud of the rain. The man turned around to see the mansion with a wicked smile on his face.

The lady was on the bed covered in blood with a knife stabbed in her heart, her white gown turned red with the stains. She breathed her last in the hands of her lover. She didn’t know what was coming upon her moments before. She trusted her love with heart and soul but when he stabbed her mercilessly, her heart felt elated to embrace death from the hands of her beloved man.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Perception That Perspires

Oh, forgive me for the usage of words that might sound too.... but, I guess words make all the difference when it comes to expressing something.
Be it a conversation or text, it's your only tool to justify yourself and let others know what you are trying to do! Really, the one who masters the words can convince anyone easily and even make them think that he's absolutely brilliant even though he might know nothing in reality...

So, why I went into the world of words? B'cuz I have experienced it more than once of using the wrong ones at inappropriate times that led to some irrevocable disasters. Anyway, I'm indebted to words that saved my life and career but strongly detest numbers LOL :-D 

Mathematics...something that has been a part of my life till and the one that turned it topsy-turvy in the past. Really, why do we need equations. Gosh!

Guess I'm going off track here... 

I was telling about words and numbers, right! So, the words do come out based on what you are thinking at the moment and those spilled in the nick of a rage is often harsh. So, lets try not to hurt others and think twice before spilling those precious communication tool. It's better to get off the scene than to try and confront the rage with words.

Something that might look simple and not-so-offending to you might be extremely offensive to others. Even, humiliating at times... So, that's where the title comes. Getting the right perception of what others are trying to say and of course you are sure to perspire profusely during the process LOLZ...

Heavy brain storm, you know! Which I do all the time, of course.

So, let's just not get carried away with our thoughts and try to perceive what we are trying to convey within ourselves first before relating it to the person next to us! It would save a lot of misunderstanding issues and better help to tune the intended message to perfection...especially in business and relationships!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Think Ahead Think Different

The motto of my life and this is what that helps me to keep moving forward.

Why the stale old thoughts always? Why not something new everytime?

I don't like to think out-of-the-box but break the box and just go beyond....

This is just the beginning and I have lots more to share, converse, criticize, analyze and what not! Thinking that there's lot more in the world who wants to follow my motto 'Think Ahead Think Different', I inaugurate my first blog.

I'm sure this blog wouldn't be a stale autobiography but a crisp conversation juxtaposed with stuff happening around films, books, tech, psychology, business and maybe I could even learn more from you who's reading this right now!