Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One Night Stand

The empty corridors of the facility glistened in dim light, yet was eerily silent. There was hardly a sound except for the hush of the wind that passed through the window creaks, every now and then. Agatha or what they call A105 in the facility silently crept through the long corridor before finally making her way to the door. She was an expert in hacking even the most complex locks and it didn't take more than a minute for the young lady to open the gates.

She was so close to freedom, to reach the end and make her way out into the

open world. Being curious and energetic is a common trait found with every young man or woman. Agatha is no different, for all she wanted to do was to go out and explore everything the country has to offer!

Finally, the girl managed to reach the exit and she was out!


7:05 P.M.

The sky became dark but the night was just starting!

“Perfect,” Agatha spoke to herself as she briskly walked towards the nearest neighborhood. She had made it this far and it's not long before her dreams come true, one by one.

“I should get myself some exotic clothes,” she thought to herself. Soon, she found clothing store in the same area. She spent ample time to choose what would best fit her before plucking the tags out and sneaking out of the store undetected.

Agatha was excited because she finally made it out of her confined spaces in the facility. Like every teenager, she was curious about dating a man. She aimlessly wandered through the main streets when a glossy, bright LED board greeter her.

“Talk about luck!” she exclaimed to herself and tried to enter the disco bar.

“You need a stag to accompany you, miss,” the bouncer hindered her entry.

“What will I do now,” she wondered out aloud when the young man showed up from nowhere.

“May I help you, miss...?” He prolonged the 's' trying to know her name. She couldn't catch the hint. She just smiled back.

“I'm Gladstone, and you are?”

“I am Agatha,” she replied enthusiastically.

“Guess, you need someone to accompany you to the club. May I have the honor?”

“Sure,” she nodded meekily and took his arms for support. The couple were soon inside the pub. They took an empty seat and waited for long. Gladstone was busy all the while, trying to bring out his best flirtacious lines but he could hardly find any. Agatha was busy looking around and she was silent, simply enjoying the view.

“Drink?” he inquired. She nodded negative and continued to look around. He wasn't ready to give up on the only chance he had and walked in front of her. “Shall we dance?”

She held his palm with her petite fingers and rose up to the dance floor. Both of them were in the right mood, in the right setup. Gladstone pulled her close, expecting criticism but Agatha was more than willing to reciprocate his approach. He held her hip tight and continued to dance, their intimacy increasing to scorching levels with each passing minute.

When the songs switched to melody and the lights dimmed down, Gladstone gathered his courage and looked into her eyes. “What?” she asked playfully, patting into his chest. He took the chance and took her sensuous, pouting lips into his for a deep passionate kiss. Agatha responded in unison, cupping his shoulders for support. The kiss lingered for a whole minute before they broke off.

“Like to go out?” Gladstone questioned. “Gladly.” He was surprised with her attitude but assumed that maybe she's here for a 'one night stand' as well, expecting nothing more!

The pair hit the road and leisurely walked along the platform, holding each others' hands. “So, what's your favorite movie?”

“Nothing that close to my heart. I have hardly watched any,” Agatha replied. His attempt to strike a conversation baffled but he continued to fondle her soft palm held in his grip. Having decided to try his luck, Gladstone took her to the nearest train station and soon they reached his apartment. It wasn't surprising that the couple shared more intimate moments in the deserted station as well. Standing beside his door and unsure of her motive, he asked, “Would you like to check out my place?”.

Agatha blushed a bit and without a word, she followed him, into his apartment. The place was exquisitely designed with well furnished wooden furniture and appropriately colored walls. The temperature was rather cold, which she enjoyed.

But, all this time, Gladstone never expected what came next. Agatha walked over to him, hugged him and initiated a kiss again, this time more passionate and erotic. He was taken aback but was in no mood to question the beautiful girl's morality. Turned on by her moves, he lifted her up and carried the luscious young chick to his bed.

Soon, Agatha and Gladstone were united in a strong embrace as the couple tried their best, to explore each other's body and satiate their lust. He couldn't get enough of Agatha's soft and silky silk tone, which is an attribute that's too difficult to explain. The sensual feeling of being with a perfect girl throughout the night, making love to her left Gladstone breathless. She was exotic, in his perspective and finally their act came to an end as he drifted off to a peaceful slumber.


Gladstone woke up late next morning, expecting to embrace his beautiful, new girl first thing in the morning. But, to his surprise, she was gone already.

“Why would she leave just like that?” he wondered aloud with disappointment high in his voice. That's when he found the note pasted onto the table. It read:

Hi Glad, it's Agatha. Know you are mad at me but I can't help it. It was a memorable night, thanks to you. But, we can't stay together as I am supposed to return to my testing lab facility in the morning. --

I'm not sure if you might get it but I am not a human female, but a prototype humanoid designed to replicate actual people. I learn from you people every time I come out. That's how our AI develops! There's one thing I learned last night, when I was intimate with you. –

Not everyone of you are bad, as I assumed till now!

Yours Love,


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Run Away From The Darkness

How do you run from an enemy you can't see? Can you fight back without weapons but with your soul?

News Reporter: The entire world is being terrorized by an unknown enemy as billions have gone insane within a matter of months. While some psychologists do opine, that this is a massive mental disorder caused due to extreme pressure, evidence proves that an unseen supernatural force is inducing it.

I switched off the television and curled in my couch, waiting for something good to happen. This is not what it used to be until the so-called supernatural force came into being. First, it was personal illness but soon the insane behavior became a plague. It infected every mind and people could hardly, think or sleep these days.

“I think this is the time when Google fails and tells us that, we do need a God,” I thought to myself. 
 No one had a clear answer and the problem affected more people in the west than in the east. Treatments failed to nurture the desired results when the crowd finally started looking for alternative sources. I decided to pack my stuff, abandon my San Francisco apartment so that I could be back to India. It was a rational decision!

While the U.S. Government strengthened it's military, expecting an imminent alien attack, the Indians were busy, praying. I felt, we needed it now more than ever. Once I finally found my way to my home country, things changed.


“What do you plan next?” asked my grandfather. “I am going to meet a sage whom I assume will give me answers,” I replied. The trip was long as I had to travel all the way from Bangalore to Delhi and reach the Himalayan grounds to find this old man.

When we finally met him, he didn't have answers but more questions instead.

“Have you ever focused your mind on a task that's beyond ordinary life or work?” I nodded negative. He smiled and continued, “the new world will hardly believe my story but here it goes.”


The legend says that god will exist with humans and protect earth as long as they stay in touch with him. Things changed and the past evolved into a future, a generation where everyone is busy without even a minute to spare for exploring their inner spirituality. What they have gained is nothing but technology which was invented eons back but destroyed with time. Yet, they have lost everything including humanity that led to the immense power of the Devil. The demons are now more powerful than ever and until humans re-establish their link with positive energy, they hardly stand a chance.


indriyani parany ahur
indriyebhyah param manah
manasas tu para buddhir yo
buddheh paratas tu sah

The senses are said to be superior to the body; the mind is superior to the senses; the intellect is superior to the mind; and atma (Spirit) is superior to the intellect.

The sage recited the Sanskrit verse to justify his claim. I hardly understood what he meant but I assumed with bad times around the corner, it won't be long before we, the younger generation realize what our ancestors have discovered centuries back.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


May 21st, 2214
Beijing, China

The empty streets of Beijing stretched along as far as one could see with wasted papers scattered on the road and a suspicious silence in the air. Everything felt normal eventhough things have changed a lot, really lot!

This is not the world you had known! The world has changed...

Everything is Digital, or you could call it Digitally Secured. The S.O.A.P – an international cross-country organization established by the United States of America and China militarized everything online. Everything you do, the movie you watch, the pictures you post, the files you download will be accessed by the government for 'safety' purpose. Legit software is the only way to go yet you will lack the freedom at one point or other. 
SOPA and PIPA, the forefathers of S.O.A.P paved way for the world you live now in the 2000s. Secure Online Access Protocol, S.O.A.P was established in USA despite vehement disapproval from the public. Slowly, the idea spread around the globe. The government and companies ensured it became the norm. What started as a fight for piracy became the pathway to eradicate privacy. Huge opposition died down with ages yet not everyone gave up. There were a few...

Inspired by the Illuminatis from the catholic age, rose a secret society. A society where the best gathered to fight and win back freedom. Hackers, revolutionists, innovative thinkers, aggressive digital freedom fighters and more came together to put an end to the tyranny.

They called themselves...

S.O.A.P – Save Online Access Protocol driven and inspired by four. Ching Lee aka Lee, Nicholas Sharma aka Nik, Dylan and Adalhard. Lee is an excellent hacker while Nik's codes are strong. Dylan and Adalhard each with their own set of skills look forward to inspire followers to wipe S.O.A.P. out!

Can they?


Monday, September 3, 2012


The long road stretched ahead endlessly towards the forest and the young man treading the path was obviously tired, besides being extremely thirsty. 

He has lost everything! Frustrated and annoyed with failure, the young man named Rana set off towards the forest hoping to find solace in death.

Every attempt resulted in failure. He lost all his money because the crops failed due to torrid weather. When Rana tried to nurture his cattle, the animals died for no reason. He was annoyed with the way life treated him.

Soon, Rana reached a swamp and decided to drown himself. As he was an excellent swimmer, he opined that a river wouldn’t kill him for he might swim out of it due to his survival instincts. 

“This swamp should be the best place for me,” he murmured.

When he was about to jump in to it, a strong hand pulled him back. Rana turned to see an old man with white beard standing in front of him. He appeared to be a sage with wisdom oozing in his eyes. He smiled.

“Now, what!” Rana angrily glared back at the old man.

“I sense you have a prosperous future, my young lad. If my vision is right, you are going to become the king of this land tomorrow,” the old man said with genuine interest.

“Oh, really…” asked Rana with mockery high in his voice.

“How do you propose to make me the king?”

“Not me. Not me, my lad,” the old man continued, “This herbal grass here will take you to your rightful place.”

“Keep it safe,” he handed it over to Rana and before he could utter a word, the old man walked away.

“Keep it safe,” his voice echoed through the forest.

“What will I do with grass?” “Crap,” even frustrated than earlier, Rana made up his mind to walk into the forest. His conscience thought different this time around.

Before he could cross a mile, a group of bandits blocked his path. “Wish, I had a knife than this useless grass,” he mumbled to himself.

One of the gang members searched Rana’s body and said, “He carries nothing except a grass,” in a disappointed know. The bandits left without harming him for they considered him to be too puny to attack.

Hours passed and Rana felt extremely hungry. “Wish I had a bow and arrow to hunt my meal. This grass seems of no good use,” he cursed his bad luck and continued to walk.

After walking few miles, Rana heard heavy footsteps and cries of despair. He rushed to the spot to find a royal hunt party gathered around the princess. The beautiful young lady was unconscious and her leg was wounded.

He walked towards the group when he heard the chief physician talking to the king. The king was deep in sorrow and cursed himself for taking the royal family through the dangerous forest.

“Unless, I can get the herbal grass, I can hardly help the princess, your majesty,” the chief physician declared.

“Herbal grass, doesn’t that sound familiar?” Rana thought as his hands fumbled into his pocket. He handed it over to the physician. “Would this help?”

Delighted, the physicians set to work and soon, the princess woke up. The king was extremely happy and as for Rana, the old man’s prophecy became real.

He stood speechless in the middle of the forest with the royal party, unable to believe his change of fate. When he was still dazed with the incident, he spotted a faint glow of light as the old man stood at a safe distant, smiling mischievously at Rana.

Rana smiled back.

Friday, August 17, 2012

One Life

The clouds grew darker every minute and the rain was pouring incessantly throughout the night. The occasional lightning lit up the entire village as the peasants drifted off into a peaceful slumber. 

With such a beautiful weather, one can’t help but enjoy the rainfall but there was one, who couldn't relish it! 

He wasn't satisfied with what life gave him! 

Amidst the dark clouds and pouring rain, he stood by the door of his hut wondering how to change his future. The young boy is Richo who’s very much alive like every other human being but he’s a boy made of wood! 

“I want to be human,” Richo thought to himself. “I want to earn the respect of villagers and everyone else.” 

He wasn’t happy with his one life…

Frustrated and in the precipice of his wits, Richo stepped out of the hut and started walking in the rain. The soft mud made it difficult to tread his footsteps but he was determined to find an answer. 

Richo walked as fast as his legs could carry him but there was a mammoth issue ahead. The boy was completely unaware of his final destination yet he kept moving! 

As the rain lashed even harder, he decided to take a break and found shelter beneath the nearest banyan tree. It was huge, filled with green leaves all over and gave him ample space to stand. 

Minutes later, a powerful lightning struck the Banyan tree. 

Richo, who was walking with a heavy heart didn’t fail to notice the lighting and the strange young boy standing below it. He increased his pace and ran towards the tree only to witness a shocking display.

The young boy made out of wood began to grow as soon as the lightning struck and turned into a handsome human. 

“Oh, boy…” Richo exclaimed. The young man smiled as he went near. “Can you help me become human like you did?" 

The generous man helped him stand under the tree and the duo waited for the next streak of lightning but as ill fate would have it, it struck the man right on his head and he fell dead. 

Richo fainted along with the man only to wake up few hours later! He was perplexed and couldn’t understand a thing until he realized his soul has been split in parts due to the powerful lightning. 

It was Richo himself who stood far across the land as he saw a part of his soul transform into a man. His other half became a wooden toy, his original self and was far flung into the land.  

He witnessed his own transformation and the second strike killed a part of his soul, the human but the wooden boy survived, somehow! 

Richo realized an important lesson. “One life is precious enough to cherish,” he mumbled to himself as he started walking towards his hut.

Inspirational Concept By Klion

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Waiting With Waffles

Abraham was sure that he wouldn’t want to miss the love of his life. He had waited three years patiently, trying to understand the woman he loved. The patience didn’t go in vain because he finally understood that she was the girl of his dreams, impeccably.

The last day of their graduation should be the beginning of their love life, he wished for! Everyone was busy bidding farewells to their near and dear ones but Abraham wasn’t prepared to bid adieu to his love, Rhonda. 

One of the beauty queens in their campus, Rhonda, had plenty of proposals but she never accepted any for some untold secrets. She was silent, living in her own wonderland. It was what the guys assumed and stopped pursuing her, saving their hearts from being broken. 

There she was, standing right under the campus tree where students gathered to share notes and gossips. This should be the moment, This is it, Abraham reassured himself.

“Hi, Rhonda,” he murmured almost in a whisper which surprisingly caught her attention.
“Hi…” she smiled. Her fluff of hair on her cheeks made her look fairer than ever and her beauty sometimes intimidated the men. 

She was a fair maiden with picture perfect curves and a cute face which complimented her. Rhonda wasn’t proud about her beauty which impressed Abraham even more.

“I wouldn’t want to miss you, Rhonda. This would be the farewell to studies but I wish to wake up every day from now, looking into your beautiful eyes. Would you?” 

 He managed to blurt out everything that he memorized the previous night and waited with bated breath for her reply. 

She bit her lower lip and went silent for a moment. 

“I’m ready to quit the job I got out of country because I wish to stay with you, always” he added. She looked into his eyes for a moment and replied. “I’m sorry but no.” 

Everything went dizzy for Abraham for he never felt so dejected in life. Gradually, time gave a helping hand to come out of his depressing self-dug grave and he worked with excessive passion in his new found job.

Five years later…

Abraham walked out of the airport, expecting his family to pick him up. He was surprised when he saw the unexpected one waving to him. There she was, Rhonda, his love!

She was prettier and time hasn’t swept her beauty off! “Hi…” she waved.

“I know you would want to ask me but…” she paused, standing close to him.

Abraham was literally puzzled as he never expected such things to happen especially when he’s coming back home for the first time after a couple of years. 

“I didn’t want you to shun your job and risk your career for me. I wanted you to live happy and keep everyone around you happy. I wouldn’t want to be a hurdle in your life but rather help you reach heights. I was waiting for this day, to say that I love you!..”

Rhonda was gasping for breath, smiling in joy. 

“Darling…” a young lady came across and swung her arm into Abraham’s shoulders. “Shouldn’t we be receiving our luggage?” 

“Huh, Rhonda, she’s my wife.” Abraham stuttered. 

Rhonda felt silent with the smile frozen on her lips and a tear drop clinging to her eyes. She kept her smile intact as she walked away silently.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Minotaur’s Labyrinth

“Could we survive this?” This was the only question that raced through my mind as I wandered into the endless passage of the cave. 

I could hear the loud screams of my fellow men. We were seven and seven, a bunch of young lads and ladies picked up from the lot! We were thrown into this dusty place for no reason, or it was what we thought till now!

“Why would they put us here?” My mind raced while I was busy running, sweating and panting heavily within the cave like boulders that surrounded us. The bushes and trees were so huge that even a pinch of light struggled to pass through.

No one can assume the time of the day or whether it is even day time now! I mindlessly believed that if all fourteen of us could group together, we had better chances of survival and find a way out of this place. 

I ran as fast as my heels could carry me when I heard a faint growl and the death stricken scream of my fellow mate. 

“What the…” terror numbed my feet but I know I couldn’t stop now especially with a growl which spoke of instant death, nothing else. 

In the distant, I could see some of them running away from something. Something that is large, ran on four legs like a horse and had a death defying growl that sent cold chills down my spine. I could see nothing but my conscience knew that my life was in danger. 

One by one, they vanished into thin air. Or, it was what I could assume as I gathered up all my strength and ran faster but I was no match for the hoofed creature that chased me with a blood curling scream.

Suddenly, I realized I was running in circles and this was a labyrinth designed for rats, or me! There is no way out of it unless, the creature is dead. I would rather say, killed. Frantically, I searched for something and found a large sword hidden behind the bushes. My last ray of hope! 

As I turned, I came face to face with the menacing Minotaur which towered in front of me, ready to rip me into pieces but with all my years of experience, I can try my blow relying on sheer luck. And, I did. I ducked when the Minotaur charged towards me and pierced the sword right into its bottom.

With a loud scream, the Minotaur fell down. It was bleeding but still alive. The creature wanted to see me dead, but I am not going to give up that easy, at least not without a fair fight! I tightened by grip on the sword as it charged towards me one more time…

All of a sudden, it vanished into thin air. All I could see was pieces of numbers written in squares in the place where the creature stood. The rocks and trees were painted with digital sequences as well.
I just realized.


“Enough, of it,” my dad removed the glasses off me with a smile.
“So…” he waited for me to respond.

“It’s awesome, Dad. I loved the way the place is designed and the sensors just made me feel it was real, really,” I jumped in excitement. 

“Anyways, we are still experimenting. So, never mind the bugs,” he apologized for the digital sequences that came up when I was busy fighting.

“I would love to play it again.” 

“Soon,” he replied as we came out of the Minotaur’s Labyrinth game development lab.
Year | 2075 A.D.